Etiquette guns from the leading producers
LLC Termopechatnye resheniya is the first supplier (dealer) etiquette guns on the market of Republic of Belarus.
The etiquette guns is devices for fast marking of goods (the indication of the article, the price, date and other necessary values) on any goods. Etiquette guns are the cheapest way of drawing labels with marking on the made production. They allow to place on goods any information necessary for you – date, the price, the lot number, etc. with the minimum time and financial expenditure, thereby having saved your time and money.
Etiquette guns have to possess a simple and reliable design (use of qualitative plastic) which guarantees long service life of a gun. The good gun can work in such in difficult conditions as the increased humidity or dust content without damage to the technical characteristics. Big plus is existence of the strengthened mechanism of a broach of a tape of the label.
Key parameters etiquette guns are:
- Quantity of the printed digital symbols (usually symbols 8 or 10).
- The size of the printed label – the most widespread sizes 21*12, 26*16, 29*28 and 37*28 of mm.
- The quantity of lines – usually are one-line, is slightly less often used two-lower case and three-lower case guns for labels in which it is possible to place more information.
- Possibility of installation of a special cliche — on a cliche it is possible to place such inscriptions as: the discount, or a logo of your firm, it allows to save if you want that on labels there was yours a logo, just buy a cliche with the logo and you use him for the press.
We sell only qualitative guns such as Printex, Motex, Jolly. The greatest popularity one-line Printex Z8 with a cliche (it is a better analog of popular Motex MX 5500) and two-lower case Printex Z20 – the buzuslovny leader in the market on ratios has won price/quality.
If you can’t independently choose the etiquette gun resembling under your tasks, or you had questions for choice, you can always contact us and ask the questions interesting you.